Simposi Focusing on the learner
Agafa les regnes del teu aprenentatge
“Si féssim tot el que sóm capaços de fer, ens sorprendríem a nosaltres mateixos”Thomas Edison, Inventor
Do It Yourself in Education: Expanding Digital Competence To Foster Student Agency And Collaborative Learning (també conegut com a DIYLab) és un projecte finançat pel programa Lifelong Learning de la Comissió Europea.
Som un grup de tres universitats i tres escoles de primària i secundària, de tres països europeus diferents: Espanya, Finlàndia i la República Txeca.
Grup de recerca Esbrina
Juana M. Sancho Gil, Fernando Hernández-Hernández, Cristina Alonso
Cano, Joan-Anton Sánchez i Valero, Maria Domingo-Coscollola, Xavier
Giró Gràcia, Rachel Fendler, Raquel Miño Puigcercós, Judith Arrazola
Carballo, Àngels Armengol Naranjo, Judit Onsès, Anna Majó, José
Aurelio Castro Varela, Pablo Rivera Vargas.
Esa Niemi, Antti Peltonen, Mikko Ojala, Paula Vaskuri.
Miroslava Černochová, Tomáš Jeřábek, Irena Fialová, Zuzana Trnková.
Coral Regí Rodriquez, Maria José Miranda Rodríguez, Cristòbal Aviles, Carol de Britos, Maite Sillero, Alex Perez, Paloma Llaquet de Entreambasaguas.
Kari Kumpulainen, Kerttuli Saajoranta, Seija Blomberg, Pasi Hieta, Terhi Ylöniemi, Heikki Kontturi.
Final Report
Public Part
Quality Assurance final report
Deliverable 10.7
Final management report
Deliverable 9.9
Socio-economic evaluation of the DIY Lab
Deliverable 6.1
General Report: The DIY Labs in Action
Deliverable 4.6
Developing a DIY Lab in Primary, Secondary and Higher
Deliverable 2.6
DIYLab Specifications: Spanish Primary & Secondary
Deliverable 2.1
DIYLab Specifications: Spanish University
Deliverable 2.2
DIYLab Specifications: Finnish Primary & Secondary
Deliverable 2.3
DIY Lab Specifications - Primary School ZŠ Korunovační
Deliverable 2.4
DIY Lab Specifications - Czech University
Deliverable 2.5
Presentación del DIYLab
Do It Yourself in Education: Expanding Digital Competence To
Foster Student Agency And Collaborative Learning. 28 Jornada
Internacional DIM – Otoño 2014. Barcelona, 1 de diciembre de
DIYLab Poster
Presented to the Annual FERA Conference on Education 2014,
Oulu, 20–21st November 2014
Taking Risks in Qualitative Methods
QUEST- Qualitative Expertise at Southampton University
National Centre for Research Methods University
of Southampton, June 30th, 2014.
Envisioning DIY learning in primary and secondary schools
Rethinking Educational Ethnography. Researching on-line
communities and interactions. The Fourth Annual Conference.
Copenhagen, June 3rd and 4th,
DIY Philosophy In School Practice And In Teacher Education
ATEE Annual Conference 2015 in Glagow. August
25th, 2015.
Leading Accross Borders And Generations
International Leadership Association. 17th Annual
Global Conference. October 14-17, 2015. Barcelona,
De consumidores a prosumidores. Implicaciones de la cultura
digital en la educación artística
I Congreso internacional de educación artística y cultura
digital, Lima February 11-13, 2014.
Do It Yourself in Education (DIYLab): Spanish Higher
ECER 2015. Education and transitionl. Budapest, September
7-11, 2015.
La filosofía DIY en acción. Desarrollo de la competencia
digital mediante la colaboración y la reflexión
Sánchez, J.A. & Miño, R. (June 2015)
XXIII Jornadas
Universitarias de Tecnología Educativa. JUTE 2015.
DIY koulussa: Avaimia digitaalisen kompetenssin kehittämiseen
(DIY in school: Some keys for developing digital
Paula Vaskuri, Kerttuli Saajoranta, Matti Mikkonen, Terho
Granlund, Antti Peltonen, Mikko Ojala ja Terhi Ylöniemi (March
Online presentation at the Interactive Technology
in Education 2016 conference
DIYLab - experiences of do-it-yourself learning in higher
Mikko Ojala, Antti Peltonen, Paula Vaskuri
University of Oulu, Extension School TOPIK
Workshop in Peda-forum conference 18.8.2016
Pedagogy first. From tools to educational visions: The DIYLab
Juana M. Sancho-Gil, Cristina Alonso-Cano, Judith
Universitat de Barcelona, Grup de recerca Esbrina
ECER, August 2016, Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Implementing the DiY Philosophy in Primary Classrooms:
Possibilities and Tensions
Judit Onsès-Segarra, Universitat de Barcelona; Juana M.
Sancho-Gil, Universitat de Barcelona; Maria
Domingo-Coscollola, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
ECER, August 2016, Dublin, Republic of Ireland
What Visual Digital Objects (VDOs), generated under a DIY
approach, are telling us about university students’ learning
and pedagogical relationships
Fernando Hernández-Hernández, Juana Maria Sancho-Gil, Judit
Universitat de Barcelona, Grup de recerca Esbrina
ECER, August 2016, Dublin, Republic of Ireland
DIY Lab y la innovación docente en la Universidad
Juana M. Sancho Gil, Cristina Alonso Cano
Universitat de Barcelona, Grup de recerca Esbrina
XVI Congreso Nacional y VII Congreso Iberoamericano de
Pedagogía, June 2016, Madrid, Spain
DIY Philosophy In School Practice And In Teacher Education
Miroslava Černochová, Tomáš Jeřábek, Petra Vaňková
Charles university in Prague, Faculty of Education
Association for Teacher Education in Europe. 40th Annual
Conference 2015, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Koncept A Filozofie Diy V Přípravě Učitelů Na Pedf Uk
Miroslava Černochová, Tomáš Jeřábek, Petra Vaňková
Charles university in Prague, Faculty of Education
DIDAKTIG 2016, Liberec 2.-3. února 2016
Exploring Creativity and ICT Across Educational Systems:
Creativity and Maker Spaces Creativity in Teacher Education
Miroslava Černochová
Charles university in Prague, Faculty of Education
SITE 2016: Savannah, Georgia, United States of America
The concept of DIY as a base for teaching approach in ICT
teacher education how to improve pupils’ digital literacy
Miroslava Černochová
Charles university in Prague, Faculty of Education
WFATE, Barcelona, Spain. April 22-23, 2016
Implementing the Do It Yourself in Education (DIYLab) Concept
in Higher Teacher Education in the Czech Republic
Tomas Jerabek, Miroslava Černochová, Petra Vaňková
Charles university in Prague, Faculty of Education
ECER, August 2016, Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Repensar l’ensenyament i l’aprenentatge a l’Escola.
Aportacions del projecte europeu DIYLab
Paloma Llaquet, Maria José Miranda
Escola Virolai
Fundació Tàpies, Barcelona, Spain. December 2016
An Action Research Approach to DIY in Education. Expanding
Digital Competence to Foster Student Agency and Collaborative
Rachel Fendler, Judith Arrazola, Juana M. Sancho-Gil
Universitat de Barcelona, Grup de recerca Esbrina
ECER 2014. Porto (Portugal). September 2-5
Do It Yourself in Education (DIYLab): Spanish Higher
Juana M. Sancho-Gil, Maria Domingo, Raquel Miño
Universitat de Barcelona, Grup de recerca Esbrina
ECER 2015. Budapest (Hungary). September 8-11.
DIYlab: Fostering Digital Competence, Students' Agency, and
Fernando Hernández-Hernández, Juana M. Sancho-Gil, Raquel
Universitat de Barcelona, Grup de recerca Esbrina
AERA 2016. Washington (U.S.A.). April 8-12
Entornos educativos propiciados por el Do it Yourself
Juana M. Sancho-Gil
Universitat de Barcelona, Grup de recerca Esbrina
Jonadas sobre Nuevos entornos de aprendizaje para las artes y
la cultura. Valencia, November 24-25, 2016
Intecambios pedagógicos: repensar lo adquirido para construir
experiencias de aprender con sentido
Fernando Hernández-Hernández
Universitat de Barcelona, Grup de recerca Esbrina
Jonadas sobre Nuevos entornos de aprendizaje para las artes y
la cultura. Valencia, November 24-25, 2016
Repensar l’ensenyament i l’aprenentatge a la universitat.
Aportacions del projecte europeu DIYLab
Cristina Alonso, Raquel Miño, Judit Onsès, Joan-Anton
Sánchez, Juana M. Sancho-Gil
Universitat de Barcelona, Grup de recerca Esbrina
Seminari de transferència de coneixement. Barcelona, December
12, 2016
DIYLab en educación primaria y secundaria: metodologías
Maria Domingo, Juana M. Sancho-Gil, Pablo Rivera
Universitat de Barcelona, Grup de recerca Esbrina
XVI Congreso Nacional y VII Congreso Iberoamericano de
Pedagogía. Madrid, Spain, June 20-30, 2016
Introducing the DIYLab project
Dr. Fernando Hernández-Hernández. University of Barcelona,
Spain (2016)
Focusing on the learner. The Diylab Philosophy at School
and University to Foster Student Agency and Collaborative
Learning, Barcelona, November 4th, 2016
Experiences of DIYLab in further practice; DIYLab in
multilateral context
Matti Mikkonen, Terho Granlund, Katrimaija Lehtinen-Itälä,
Virpi SIvonen-Sankala, Heikki Kontturi, Kerttuli Saajoranta.
Teacher Training School in University of Oulu, primary and
secondary school, Finland (2016)
Focusing on the learner. The Diylab Philosophy at School
and University to Foster Student Agency and Collaborative
Learning, Barcelona, November 4th, 2016
DIYLab as a vehicle for making the shift in teacher education
to understanding the role of the learner
Dr. Miroslava Černochová, Dr. Tomáš Jeřábek. Charles
University in Prague, Czech Republic (2016)
Focusing on the learner. The Diylab Philosophy at School
and University to Foster Student Agency and Collaborative
Learning, Barcelona, November 4th, 2016
Implementing DIYLab Philosophy in Primary and Secondary
classes: fostering creativity and design- thinking
Robert Pujol, José Luís Touron. Escola Virolai, Barcelona,
Spain. (2016)
Focusing on the learner. The Diylab Philosophy at School
and University to Foster Student Agency and Collaborative
Learning, Barcelona, November 4th, 2016
Effects of collaborative learning within the DIYLab at
Korunovacni primary school
Zora Vašáková, Iva Schmittová, Tomáš Komrska. ZŠ Korunovační,
Prague, Czech Republic (2016)
Focusing on the learner. The Diylab Philosophy at School
and University to Foster Student Agency and Collaborative
Learning, Barcelona, November 4th, 2016
DIYLab digital objects as ways of reflecting upon learning at
the university
Dr. Fernando Hernández-Hernández. University of Barcelona,
Spain (2016)
Focusing on the learner. The Diylab Philosophy at School
and University to Foster Student Agency and Collaborative
Learning, Barcelona, November 4th, 2016
Envisioning DIY learning in primary and secondary schools
Sancho-Gil, J. M., Hernández-Hernández, F. & Fendler, R.
(2015) International Journal of Media, Technology
& Lifelong Learning, Vol 11.-issue 1
El projecte DIYLab (Do It Yourself in Education: Expanding
Digital Competence to Foster Student Agency and Collaborative
Sánchez, J.A., Arrazola, J. & Calderon, D. (2015)
EnTERA2.0, 2, 46-56
Do It Yourself in education: Leadership for learning across
physical and virtual borders
Domingo-Coscollola, M., Arrazola-Carballo, J., and
Sancho-Gil, J.M. (2016)
International Journal of Educational Leadership and
Management, 4(1), 5-29. doi: 10.17583/ijelm.2016.1842
The Socio-Economic Evaluation of a European Project: The
DIYLab Case
Sancho-Gil. J. M. & Rivera-Vagas, P. (2016)
Informatics, 3 (13), 1 -17. doi:10.3390/informatics3030013
Insiders Researching the Constraints (Rigidities) and
Flexibilities of their Academic Culture. The University of
Barcelona Case
Sancho-Gil, J. M. & Hernández-Hernández, F. (January,
Acta Paedagogica Vilnensia, 39, 97-111
La cultura DIY en educación primaria. Aprendizaje
transdisciplinar, colaborativo y compartido en Hub DIYLab
Domingo-Coscollola, M., Onsès-Segarra, J., & Sancho-Gil,
J. M. (2018)
Revista de investigación educativa,
36(2), 491-508. doi:10.6018/rie.36.2.304421
Transforming the teaching and learning culture in higher
education from a DIY perspective
Miño-Puigcercós, R., M. Domingo-Coscollola and J. M.
Sancho-Gil (In press).
Educación XX1
Digital Literacy, Creativity, and Autonomous Learning
Černochová, M., Selcuk, H. (2019).
Encyclopedia of Education and Information Technologies
Lo que nos ha permitido pensar DIYLab
Sancho Gil, J.M.; Hernández-Hernández, F. (2017)
Cuadernos de Pedagogía, 483, 50-53.
Los labs en las clases de primaria
Onsès, J.; Domingo-Coscollola, M.; Llaquet, P.; Beltran, I.
Cuadernos de Pedagogía, 483, 54-57.
La importancia de la reflexión sobre el aprendizaje en
Miranda, M.J.; Tourón, J.L.; Sancho Gil, J.M. (2017)
Cuadernos de Pedagogía, 483, 58-61.
Más allá de la docencia: retos en la universidad
Alonso, C.; Miño, R.; Rivera, P.; Sánchez, J.A. (2017)
Cuadernos de Pedagogía, 483, 62-65.
La formación docente: explorar y aprender juntos
Hernández, F.; Arrazola, J.; Calderón, D. (2017)
Cuadernos de Pedagogía, 483, 66-69.
Future Factory, un comienzo activo de los
universitarios en Finlandia
Hentilä, H.L.; Vaskuri, P. (2017)
Cuadernos de Pedagogía, 483, 70-73.
Aplicación en el contexto universitario de la República
Černochová, M.; Jeřábek, T.; Vaňková, P. (2017)
Cuadernos de Pedagogía, 483, 74-77.
Para saber más
Salazar Fornaguera, C. (2017)
Cuadernos de Pedagogía, 483, 78-81.
DIYLab en la escuela de formación del profesorado de Oulu
Sivonen-Sankala, V. (2017)
Cuadernos de Pedagogía, 483, 86-88.
Más allá del DIYLab en el instituto: el proyecto Erasmus+
Lehtinen-Itälä, K. (2017)
Cuadernos de Pedagogía, 483, 89-91.
La perspectiva DIY en la universidad: ¡hazlo tú mismo y en
Hernández-Hernández, F.; Sancho-Gil, J. M. (coord.) (2017)
Editorial Octaedro